The Ultimate Guide to Florida State Disbursement Unit: Ensuring Swift and Accurate Child Support Payments for Families


Are you a parent who depends on child support payments in Florida? Then you might have heard of the Florida State Disbursement Unit, or FSDU. But what is it exactly, and why does it matter to you?

FSDU is the state agency responsible for processing and distributing child support payments from non-custodial parents to custodial parents. With over one million registered cases and billions of dollars in payments per year, FSDU plays a crucial role in ensuring that children receive the financial support they need to thrive.

However, navigating FSDU can be daunting for both payers and recipients of child support. From establishing paternity and calculating support amounts to enforcing court orders and resolving disputes, there are many steps and rules to follow. That's why we've created The Ultimate Guide to Florida State Disbursement Unit, a comprehensive resource that covers everything you need to know about FSDU and how to make the most of its services.

Whether you're a first-time user or a seasoned veteran, our guide can help you understand the inner workings of FSDU, avoid common mistakes and delays, and ensure swift and accurate child support payments for your family. So, if you want to take control of your child support journey, read on!

The Ultimate Guide to Florida State Disbursement Unit: Ensuring Swift and Accurate Child Support Payments for Families

Child support payments are crucial to the welfare of children whose parents are separated or divorced. In Florida, the State Disbursement Unit (SDU) is an entity that facilitates the collection and disbursement of child support payments. This guide provides a comprehensive overview of the SDU, its functions, and how it benefits families in need of child support.

What is the Florida State Disbursement Unit?

The SDU is a division of the Florida Department of Revenue that manages the distribution of child support payments. It acts as a middleman between parents who pay child support and those who receive it, ensuring timely and accurate disbursement of funds.

How does the SDU work?

The SDU receives child support payments from the paying parent, then disburses the money to the receiving parent or the state agency responsible for providing support. It keeps records of all transactions, including when payments were received and disbursed.

Benefits of using the SDU

Using the SDU offers several benefits to parents and recipients of child support, including:

Benefits for paying parents Benefits for receiving parents
Secure payment processing Timely receipt of child support
Convenient payment methods Accurate distribution of funds
Reduced risk of missed payments or late fees Frees up time and resources

How to set up an account with the SDU

In order to use the SDU, you must set up an account with them. This involves providing personal information such as your name, address, and social security number. Once your account is established, you can track payments and manage your child support account online.

What if payments are missed or delayed?

If a payment is missed or delayed, the SDU will work diligently to ensure that the issue is resolved as quickly as possible. They will reach out to both parents to identify the issue and find a solution. If necessary, legal action may be taken to enforce child support payments.

What fees are associated with using the SDU?

There are no fees to set up an account with the SDU. They do charge a $1.25 fee for processing payments made by check, but this fee can be waived by setting up automatic payments or using their online payment system.


The Florida State Disbursement Unit provides a vital service to families in need of child support payments. Its functions ensure accurate and timely disbursement of funds, reducing the risk of missed or delayed payments. By creating an account with the SDU, parents can take advantage of its benefits and provide for their children's needs.


In my opinion, the Florida State Disbursement Unit is a valuable resource for families in need of child support. By providing secure and efficient payment processing, the SDU helps alleviate stress and financial strain for both paying and receiving parents. Its ability to track payments and manage child support accounts online makes it a convenient option for busy families. Overall, the SDU is an excellent example of how technology can be used to improve the lives of families in our community.

Thank you for reading The Ultimate Guide to Florida State Disbursement Unit. We hope that this article has been informative and helpful in understanding the importance of Florida State Disbursement Unit in ensuring swift and accurate child support payments for families.

Our team worked hard to gather all the necessary information and present it in a clear and concise way for our readers. It is crucial for families to know their rights and how to navigate the child support system effectively, and we believe that this guide will serve as a useful resource for many.

If you have any questions or feedback on this article, please feel free to share them in the comments section below. Additionally, if you have any other topics related to family law that you would like us to cover, please let us know. Thank you for your interest in our blog and we hope to see you again soon!

Here are some common questions people also ask about The Ultimate Guide to Florida State Disbursement Unit:

  1. What is the Florida State Disbursement Unit?
  2. The Florida State Disbursement Unit (SDU) is a state-run agency responsible for processing and distributing child support payments to families across Florida.

  3. How does the Florida SDU ensure swift and accurate child support payments?
  4. The Florida SDU uses advanced technology and automated systems to process payments quickly and efficiently. They also work closely with employers and other entities to ensure that child support payments are accurately calculated and deducted from paychecks.

  5. What services does the Florida SDU offer to families?
  6. The Florida SDU offers a range of services to help families receive the child support they are entitled to, including payment processing, case management, and enforcement of court orders.

  7. What should I do if I am not receiving child support payments through the Florida SDU?
  8. If you are not receiving child support payments through the Florida SDU, you should contact your local child support enforcement agency or the Florida SDU directly to inquire about your case and seek assistance.