Florida's Short-Sighted Move: Rejecting Vital AP African American Studies Curriculum


Florida's recent decision to reject the implementation of the AP African American Studies curriculum has prompted widespread outrage and concern. With racial inequalities and injustices at the forefront of national discussions, it seems only logical to educate our students on key moments in African American history.

Despite the demand for greater representation and comprehensive education on these topics, Florida's Board of Education voted to exclude this crucial curriculum from their schools. The decision sends a message that the state is not willing to prioritize the education and empowerment of its African American students, or provide an inclusive and accurate portrayal of history to all students.

This short-sighted move further exacerbates the already present racial divide within our education system. By ignoring the valuable contributions and struggles of African Americans throughout history, we risk perpetuating ignorance and misunderstandings amongst our youth. It's time for Florida to recognize the importance of a diverse and comprehensive education if it hopes to create a more equitable and just future.

If you're concerned about this decision and believe that all students deserve a comprehensive education, read on to learn more about the implications of rejecting the AP African American Studies curriculum in Florida. The voices of outraged citizens and educators must come together to hold our leaders accountable and demand change.


The state of Florida has recently faced criticism after rejecting the addition of an important curriculum to its Advanced Placement (AP) program. The proposed curriculum was centered around African American studies and aimed to highlight the role of African Americans in shaping American history. This decision has sparked widespread outrage, with many people viewing it as a step backward for education and equality in America.

Background Information

The Advanced Placement program offered by the College Board is widely recognized as an excellent tool for preparing high school students for college-level work. The program offers courses in a variety of subjects, each of which provides students with an in-depth understanding of that subject. The program also allows students to earn college credit if they perform well on the AP exam at the end of the course.

Proposed Curriculum

The proposed AP African American studies curriculum was designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the African American experience in America. This would have included the study of historical events, literature, cultural traditions, and contemporary issues faced by African Americans today.

Resistance to Curriculum

Despite the clear benefits of the proposed curriculum, Florida’s Education Commissioner Richard Corcoran rejected the proposal, stating that the course did not meet the state's academic standards. Critics have argued that this decision was based on his personal beliefs and not on academic standards, however.

Historical Context

The rejection of the proposed AP African American studies curriculum is just the latest example of a long-standing resistance to teaching Black history in America. This resistance dates back to the earliest days of slavery when it was illegal for enslaved people to learn to read or write.

Struggle for Equality

The struggle for equality has been ongoing in America since the nation’s founding. While significant progress has been made over the years, there is still much work to be done. Education has long been viewed as a key component in the fight for equality, as it provides people with the knowledge and skills needed to succeed in society.

Comparison with Other States

Florida's decision to reject the addition of African American studies to its AP program is in contrast to the actions of other states that have embraced this aspect of education. For example, New York state recently approved a similar curriculum, and California has mandated ethnic studies in high school programs.

Advantages of Inclusion

Proponents of the African American studies curriculum argue that it offers several advantages for students. By studying the contributions of African Americans in shaping American history, students can gain a more accurate understanding of the nation’s past. This, in turn, can help them understand current social and political issues and become better-informed citizens.

Disadvantages of Rejection

Critics of Florida's decision argue that it sends the wrong message about the importance of diversity and inclusion in education. They argue that it is short-sighted to reject a curriculum that has the potential to benefit so many students.


In conclusion, Florida's decision to reject the proposed AP African American studies curriculum was a short-sighted move that fails to recognize the value of diversity and inclusion in education. By refusing to embrace this curriculum, the state is denying its students the opportunity to gain a comprehensive understanding of America's history, and ultimately, hindering their ability to become well-informed, engaged citizens. It is my hope that Florida will reconsider its stance on this important issue in the future.

Thank you for taking the time to read about Florida's short-sighted move to reject the vital AP African American Studies Curriculum. It is alarming that in this day and age, our education system fails to recognize the value of inclusive and diverse curriculums that educate our students about the contributions and struggles of individuals from different backgrounds.

The decision to reject the AP African American Studies Curriculum only serves as a disservice to our students and limits their ability to have a complete understanding of American history. This curriculum offers an opportunity for students to learn about the important contributions of individuals such as Martin Luther King Jr., Harriet Tubman, and Rosa Parks to name a few. By rejecting this curriculum, we fail to provide students with a well-rounded education, which is essential to cultivate informed and engaged citizens.

It is important that we continue to advocate for inclusive and diverse curriculums in our education system. We must ensure that our students are properly educated on the diverse history and culture of the United States. The rejection of the AP African American Studies Curriculum is a reflection of a larger issue in our education system, and we must work together to create a positive change. Let us come together to make sure that every student gets the chance to have a comprehensive education so they can succeed in life.

Below are some of the common questions people ask about Florida's Short-Sighted Move: Rejecting Vital AP African American Studies Curriculum:

  1. Why did Florida reject the Vital AP African American Studies Curriculum?

    Florida's Board of Education rejected the Vital AP African American Studies Curriculum because they felt that it was not comprehensive enough and contained too much partisan content.

  2. What is the Vital AP African American Studies Curriculum?

    The Vital AP African American Studies Curriculum is a program designed to provide high school students with a comprehensive understanding of African American history, culture, and contributions to society.

  3. What are the benefits of the Vital AP African American Studies Curriculum?

    The Vital AP African American Studies Curriculum can help students gain a deeper understanding of the history and culture of African Americans, which can lead to greater empathy and respect for diverse cultures. It can also help students develop critical thinking skills and prepare them for college-level coursework.

  4. What impact will the rejection of the Vital AP African American Studies Curriculum have on students in Florida?

    The rejection of the Vital AP African American Studies Curriculum could have a negative impact on students in Florida by depriving them of a comprehensive education in African American history and culture. This could limit their understanding of diverse cultures and hinder their ability to succeed in college and beyond.

  5. What can be done to address the rejection of the Vital AP African American Studies Curriculum in Florida?

    Advocates for the Vital AP African American Studies Curriculum can continue to push for its adoption in Florida and other states. They can also work to develop alternative programs that provide students with a comprehensive education in African American history and culture.